Top Echelon Members of the Chinada High Command Continue

to Demonstrate That They Have a Death Wish 

© 2009 Brad Kempo B.A. LL.B.

Barrister & Solicitor 


One of the purposes of the diplomacy archive has been to document and accumulate evidence of the arrogant belligerence and pubescent sociopathology and most recently psychopathology of the principals, financiers and operatives of the China-Canada military alliance.   Since 2004 they’ve believed there is no value in the evidence collected and thus proceeded with their ‘business as usual’ paradigm of militarized totalitarian governance and pursuing global hegemony, including pushing the human experimentation envelop further and further.  Threats of assassination and capital punishment have always fallen on wilful deaf ears. 



The diplomacy archive is also a prosecution evidence file.  Every initiative the Chinada elite undertook to express its seething hostility, its confessions it can violate domestic and international law and its infantile reactions to coalition demands only served to tighten the noose around their necks.  


More proof was entered into that file on Friday, November 20, 2009.  The exercise walkabout that day involved no less than ten encounters with street soldiers.  Worthy of greater description is what occurred within a half block of the apartment lobby.  Two gray-haired women street soldiers employed the trademark gesturing – one rubbing her nose, the other scratching the back of the base of her skull as he approached.  Moments later and within a few steps of the front door an unmarked police cruiser pulled out from the alleyway.  In the drivers seat was an Asian officer.  In the past the Custodian Chief Executive never bothered collecting identification information of what he’s observed; but this time he did; walking far enough onto the street to view the vehicle’s license plate number: “719 BME”.  


These two events occurred when a new Georgia Straight cover had been placed in the dispensaries around the city.  It was yet another indication how much the western constituent of the Ottawa-Toronto-Montreal-(Beijing) triangle of power and wealth were sticking to their geo-marriage; choosing to still role the dice of life in the belief the coalition’s been bluffing since the release of ‘Dogville’.  


In addition to deriding the threat of imprisoning everyone linked to the lower ranks of those perpetuating and protecting the Chinada agenda, the cover mocks the isolation-deprivation theme and ridicules the lexicon.  Six of eight page numbers are lexiconically significant; including the number 47 representing the assassination of an innocent American during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.  This is yet another indication the complicit and loyal celebrate that atrocity and


·         have no intention of reforming institutions that deliver pain, suffering, loss and death to those who are targeted,

·         want to be counted as having morphed from sociopaths to psychopaths and

·         have no fear about what has been threatened over and over and over, including assassination and rendition into a justice system that will impose the death penalty. 





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